The Color Area Window

You can bring up the Color Area Window by doing any of:
  • Opening up the window from the main toolbar's button.
  • By using

In addition to the pixel information that is provided in the Pixel Toolbar, mrViewer also supports a Color Area Window that displays color information about the currently selected area.
The Color Area window displays the coordinates of the rectangle area selected, its width and height in pixels as well as its total size in pixels.
For the window to display any information, you need to make sure you are in area select mode. By default, you can temporarily enter area selection mode by SHIFT+LMB and dragging. Or, alternatively, go to the and select the second tool from the first column (the square).
With the select tool you need to have an image or movie loaded, and select an area of it.
The area can be just a point to remove the square from view.
The information displayed are the minimum and maximum values of the Red, Green, Blue and Alpha channels for the currently selected layer and area.  The range represents the absolute difference between the maximum and minimum values.  Finally, the mean represents the mean average of the pixels in the area for that particular channel.
Similar information is displayed for the Hue, Saturation, Value and Luminance.
You can select any of the rows and then use the
, to bring up a menu to allow you to copy the values of the channels onto the clipboard, so as to paste them into some other application.

If you click the
on the mean color display widget, the mean colors can also be copied to the clipboard.